9:04 PM
It's the one thing everyone looks forward to.
The day where they get to wear the fancy robe n' hat
Albeit it wasn't my convocation to begin with =S
The ceremony was still in the midst of the exams period
Nevertheless, it's a good day to begin with! :)
The couple from Sunway graduated together!
With R.A. Ms. Choong!
She even appeared on the website of Monash O.o
A proud engineer graduate - Jason
With fellow Leo Club graduates -
My humanity counterpart - Alyssa Foo
PWC future CEO - Janice Teh
UOB director-to-be, Brandon Choong!
Mr photogenic, Yeong Thean n' myself XD
n' a group shot as usual!
Didn't manage to get the individual picture from Brian or Chee Sheun =/
I shall finally end my post with this picture from Zanmai!
Pictures courtesy of all the graduates :)