Day 1 of Lembing Trip
2:37 PM
Apologise for the late post, I've been super duper busy lately
Let's head straight to the pics =)
Picture paints a thousand words right?
Chee Sheun (OC) n' Woo (AOC) in deep thoughts
The bus was an hour late!
Seriously, tested our patience...Keeping ourselves busy while waiting for the bus
Look what it did to poor Boon Hoe
He was emo-ing all alone there
Well, being such good friends...
We kept him company =P
People started camwhoring to kill time on the bus
This particular pic was taken by me, sweet eh? xD
Seeeeee, Chien was esctatic beyond words =P
Approximately 4 hours of drive to the state of Pahang
We took a pit stop at Teluk Chempedak
*CAUTION* do not do this at home
Only applicable for mountain bikes.
Only monkeys would attempt to do something this hazardous!
A small group of us at Teluk Chempedak
Due to geographical mistakes, we're not able to see the sunset
So, camwhoring was the second option! xD
Can you spot three monkeys?
Two on the ground n' one on top of the tree >_<
A close-up on us n' the monkey backside
Chien reflecting on all the wrongs she has done
Not too late to repent =P
Mid part of Teluk Chempedak.
We're on the top of the world! xD
Leos from Engineering Faculty
This is the other part of Chempedak
Have I told you photography is awesome?
Looking at eagles doing stunt show
Amazing, you should see for yourself
Loads of these big-assed monkeys
Monkey : Watcha looking at, punk? xD
Let's head straight to the pics =)
Picture paints a thousand words right?

Seriously, tested our patience...Keeping ourselves busy while waiting for the bus

He was emo-ing all alone there

We kept him company =P

This particular pic was taken by me, sweet eh? xD

Approximately 4 hours of drive to the state of Pahang
We took a pit stop at Teluk Chempedak

Only applicable for mountain bikes.
Only monkeys would attempt to do something this hazardous!

Due to geographical mistakes, we're not able to see the sunset
So, camwhoring was the second option! xD

Two on the ground n' one on top of the tree >_<

Not too late to repent =P

This is the other part of Chempedak

Amazing, you should see for yourself

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