Some Other Random Stuff
8:06 PM
An event done every semester for the new Leo's
Well, for the O n' I part of course...
I didn't play my usual role as the gamemaster
Instead, I was the mentor

Kicking it off with the icebreaker...

Camwhoring skills plays an important part in this game
That's the president btw xD

Of course, it wouldn't be a game without a lil exercise would it?

FYI, most of our new members are in the BOD

The newly inducted members with Lion Lynda n' Lion Irene

While the new members were having their snacks n'
having fellowship

I however, was trying to break down the door to get my keys back -.-
Everything didn't went wrong although I only retrieved my keys on Monday

Our initial agenda was
Caryn n' Boon Hoe's bdae
which we managed to celebrate despite the unforseen circumstances
Credits once again to Brian Chye!
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