11:54 PM
Our fellowship event once again
For the very first time,
I am relieved of my duties as the gamemaster :)

Breaking the ice between members

I might have escape from being the gamemaster
I had to be in charge of icebreaking

Right after dinner!

Leo Club teaches you to camwhore properly =P

if you don't know there's a birdhouse in Monash,
you wished you went to Environmental Camp!

The start of our treasure hunt

There's always time to camwhore!


We tried looking for more clues

After much difficulty n' a lil bit of hint, we found our next clue!

The entrance to my FYP area...
This lies the next piece of item

The team who spills get to drink the whole thing -.-|||
I got sabo-ed by Kylie!!!

Having loads of fun untangling themselves XD

My roommate n' others XD

The committee who made the event a success!

Brian, Chien n' co.

Boon Hoe n' his kaki, my rivals! lol

My awesome awesome group *heehee*

Last but not least, our family photo for the event!
Peace out to Shameema, Kylie, n' Hooi Nee for the pictures!!
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