Kissing Turned 21!
1:12 AM
March 2nd...
Someone turned 21!
n' joining the ranks of 21 year olds! xD
Happy 21st Bdae Kee Seng!
Taken in your house right? haha
Anyway, hope you enjoyed your so-called party?
n' I don't care if you like the cap or not (you better like it!!!)Finally legal =)
- can start kissing people already but first get a gf kay? -
Too many people missing =(
I'm sure none of them have forgotten you yet laaaa! =)
Someone turned 21!
n' joining the ranks of 21 year olds! xD
Happy 21st Bdae Kee Seng!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed your so-called party?
n' I don't care if you like the cap or not (you better like it!!!)Finally legal =)
- can start kissing people already but first get a gf kay? -
Too many people missing =(
I'm sure none of them have forgotten you yet laaaa! =)
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