Need a Timeout
11:11 PM
A moment to destress
while the final exams are still ongoing
People do all kinds of weird stuff
to keep the studying momentum
Dinner at Popeye's
Joan n' yours truly
Ray n' me
I'm done with food =P
With Yen
That's Jay Sern,
n' lastly Chun Yung
Looks like we're all in black O.o
At Pyramid's arcade centre
while the rest are having fun,
I had to study my ass off -.-|||
I'm kiut-er than Pikachu right? haha
please say yes =P
Our final destination, Meeples
some board games centre which is kinda addictive =D
Isn't that colourful? haha
Some train game.
Upside down XD
Getting ready to leave
One last camwhore picture *lol*
Pictures by Stephanie
while the final exams are still ongoing
People do all kinds of weird stuff
to keep the studying momentum

while the rest are having fun,

please say yes =P

some board games centre which is kinda addictive =D

Some train game.

Pictures by Stephanie
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