Aholes from Monash

Three papers in four days - Monash sure did not use their brains
I only had a total of 12 hours of sleep in four days
3 hours on the first 2 days
6 hours on the third

It was a choice between sleep or grades no thanks to bloodsucking admins
This was the formula sheet for my Dynamics paper.
Look at how miniaturised my handwriting became
Can't get the damn exam off my mind
Only manage to snooze for 5 mins before heading to the exam hall

This was my hardest semester yet,
Glad that's over...

We're Done ;)

Well, our fiscal year had come to an end.
Doesnt mean I'm gone but just got a promotion!
That isn't the main concern of the post though

Upcoming president already hard at work
The birthday boy, Heng Luen aka Luen Luen XD
Waiting for the rest to join us at Zanmai
Whilst still waiting

This is what you can do with the cover of the camera
1. A muffler for people who talk to much xD
2. An eyepatch for those who think they have perfect eyesight
Act cute -.-
Brian, Heng Luen, Sook Yan, Alyssa n' June with successors
Weng Howe, Chien, Tze Yuen n' Melissa with their successors
Looks like a lightspeed movement!
Boon Hoe n' I at another table
Zanmai can't accommodate too many people
Final shot as the Vice, IPP n' President
As always, it wouldn't be right without a group shot ;)

Pictures courtesy of Yeong Thean

Health Awareness Week(s)

You must have seen our concourse area being dominated by the Health officers
It is actually one of our Leo events done every semester :)

The first week was for blood donors
One of our loyal donors ~yours truly~
n' a spoiler behind, Wenyi xD
Identification of blood type
O being the universal donor n' AB being the stingy counterpart
Mine was obviously the O type!
Are you afraid of the blood?
Still hyper despite being injected :0
Our very own Lion Jamie supporting our cause!
Some of the donors enjoying their snack
We had a special guest from United Nations giving us a talk about HIV
Sitting in front of the PC for too long?
Time for an eye check!
Performance of your eye done by this sophisticated machine
The National Kidney Foundation came the week after
Checking the blood pressure
Body Mass Index
Checking the kidney via urine
n' there was also a glucose test
Giving further advice on improvements XD

Believe It Or Not

I might not have achieve my dreams of being the head prefect
That was because I had to leave for KL which was a better choice

Nominations were up for the next fiscal year BOD

The only competitor for PAWS leader
Three of them fighting for the Humanity leader post
A fierce battle for the Tropicana leader post, my future successor
Funding director nominees
Best man for the Community Service Director post
Newly recruited going for the Membership Director post
Treasurer stand uncontested
Same goes for Secretary
And believe it or not, we were the nominees for President

These people are the BOD for the next fiscal year of 2011/2012
I manage to achieve my goal of being the Vice President! xD


Although the venue was initially Templer's Park
Due to the rundown condition of the place, we had a change in plans
Setting out to FRIM
As early as 8am, we had already faced difficulties
Our guide introducing us to the dragon fish
take a look at the size of that creature!
This particular tree survived years n' hardened ever since
Giant bamboo : Lookie you tiny humans!
Not everyone was physically prepared for the trip
The well-known Tarzan tree by the locals
What were u thinking? *grins*
Public toilet... literally 'public'
Unfortunately, the bridge was still down for maintenance
It's been a few months n' it kept delaying
President of *pokes* xD
Couldn't remember whether this was just the camera angle
or was June really holding an 'umbrella'
Eventually, everyone manage to make it to the end
Can you spot the photoshopped part?
Chicken rice for lunch - not too shabby
Plasticine sausage, ask her if it was delicious O.o
Garfield in reality XD
Twin towers but it looks more like twin shit *lol*
The next set of game involving water balloons
My rival's group XD
This was my group which turned out to be overall winners! ;)
Me being bombarded by balloons

As always, there wouldn't even be any picture without him!