EC - Part 2!!!
11:13 PM
With only 3 hours of sleep,
the camp carries on with its lineup of activities

Our Environmental Camp publicity board

Exercise early in the morning

As expected, the cat continues to join our adventure =D

The cat doing some basic stretching!

Breakfast - DIY bread with tuna / kaya

Soon after, we had our EC : Station Games
where each member would be tied to another member

Testing your IQ with various difficulties
Not everything is about physical attributes kay?

Janice briefing the Sushis

Passing message through drawings
Doesn't this look familiar? Ancora Imparo

Don't they looked squished?
Objective : get all your members within the newspaper

This must be the most tiring of all the station games

Under the scorching hot sun, shooters must score
while the rest must avoid the hit from the basketball.

Nobody Cover by BigCheese XD

Hurricane attempting to guess the 15 different items within the container

Obtain the red bean from the green bean container n' vice versa
The catch here : using chopsticks!!!

Step 1 : Spin 5 rounds with your head on the chair

Step 2 : Run towards the other side
*You should see how dizzy Brian was* lol

Step 3 : Getting the thread through the needle

Duck walking but looks more like frog jumping O.o

After lunch, everyone looks dead tired especially June!!!

Take a look at our recycling board!
Like x 99 how the recycling bins stick out giving a 3D effect
What you expect? Partially my idea kay? hahaha

Well, amidst all the fun we're having,
we manage to squeeze in our recycling campaign within our camp activities

At least some others still find it fun to sort the recyclables
or rather jumping on them >_<

Take a look at all those junk! -.-|||
n' the bloody security came out with a load of crap
to point fingers for some miscommunication amongst themselves

Last but not least, the sketch

Sushis are high on drugs perhaps?

The whole group w/o me -.-
*I was dealing with the recyclables* No fair!

Jeffrey announcing the funds we managed to collect for the Tsunami victims
which was a total of RM500+ in only an hour's time

Sook Yan revealing the outcome of the camp!

A small token was giving to each member of the winning team
in this case, BigCheese *standing ovation*

Winning team with the committee

WeiSiang, Terry, Jeffrey, Ms. President, Bubbles, B. Chye

One last group picture before we head home!

n' that marks the end of our awesome Environmental Camp!!!

Special thanks to the committee for their hardwork and dedication!
Weng Howe - My ever efficient Assistant!
Sook Yan, Janice, Chee Sheun - 3 Awesome n' Amazing Gamemasters!!!
Brian Chye, Ken Chew - Ever-ready publicity officers!
Yi Zheng for the F & B n' Jeffrey for the Recycling Campaign!
Last but not least,
You people who made it to the camp!!
Without you guys, it wouldn't be a success!!!
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