Health Awareness Week(s)
10:44 PM
You must have seen our concourse area being dominated by the Health officers
It is actually one of our Leo events done every semester :)
The first week was for blood donors

One of our loyal donors ~yours truly~
n' a spoiler behind, Wenyi xD

Identification of blood type
O being the universal donor n' AB being the stingy counterpart
Mine was obviously the O type!

Are you afraid of the blood?

Still hyper despite being injected :0

Our very own Lion Jamie supporting our cause!

Some of the donors enjoying their snack

We had a special guest from United Nations giving us a talk about HIV

Sitting in front of the PC for too long?
Time for an eye check!

Performance of your eye done by this sophisticated machine

The National Kidney Foundation came the week after

Checking the blood pressure

Body Mass Index

Checking the kidney via urine
n' there was also a glucose test

Giving further advice on improvements XD
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