♥ ♥ ♥ Jayesslee ♥ ♥ ♥
11:35 PM
If you never heard of them, I suggest you go youtube them immediately!
I super duper heart them! haha
Not because of the fact that they are pretty, well that too,
they also possess a pretty amazing voice!!!
They came down to KL awhile back :)
Here are some pictures!

Huge fan Kim! n' the kelefeh's

Camwhore with June whilst waiting for Jayesslee!

Introducing... Jayesslee!!!

Awesome right? They sound even better than on youtube!

Right after service!
We're in luck, autograph session!

I guess my wallet worth much more than it already is =P

Hesitant at first but got the signature the second time

He should have tattooed the signature on his biceps! *lol*

Do I need to say more?
They didnt have enough of this! Damnit!!!
RM80 per piece though, a bit on the pricey side

Hell yeah! You bet I do XD

Kim got both his T-shirts signed!
I damn envy him now!!!

I want my own signed T-shirt!
I ♥ ♥ Twins!!! especially Sonia!!!

That's not all folks! We got a group picture!
Though I really wanted a solo shot with them D:

Me stoning whilst taking a shot right in between them :)
Credits to June for the pictures!
♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥