Amazing Spider-Man!
10:02 PM
Yesterday was the first official screening of Spider-Man!
Somehow most of them wanted to watch 3D
Although I doubt there was much effects except for the subtitles
I tagged along just to please the majority of the crowd
Marvel brought along Spider-Man and War Machine for the launch.
Some prizes were to be given away to make up for the RM26 ticket
I managed to answer the correct answer "Hasbro" to get this cute toy =P
Gave it away right after to a friend.
As we were still hallucinating within the Marvel universe,
this was what we did the next day
Iron Man without his armor on
Captain America! XD
The most look-a-like, The Hulk!
I know, this had nothing to do with Marvel
But since we're cosplaying, might as well continue right?
Superheroes for the win!
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