3 Semesters Left!
10:24 PM
Time passed so quick n' now I'm finally done with my 5th semester
Would be graduating in my next semester if I wasn't enrolled in engineering
Well results were out yesterday n' I suppose I should be satisfied with it
I will not reveal in such public places, maybe try asking personally?
Anyway, the following took place right after the exams ended
Guess where we had our lunch?
Those fries are simply irresistable ♥
Woo trying to digest after that fattening meal
Known W.Keit for only a short period of time but it was all good =)
My first friend n' buddy in Monash, Paul Lee
The people who insist on exchange/transfer to Clayton
On the way to cinema for Unstoppable
Denzel Washington was awesome
so is Shaun n' myself *lol*
Camwhoring with Andrew using his camera
looks like it was in my possession most of the time
These faces seem very familiar n' are boring to me now
In 3 months time, everything would change for better or worse
My gang would shrink in terms of quantity and noise xD
Not all were able to make it though,
So we arranged another meetup before they leave for Aussie
Celebrated Kai Zen's 20th as well at none other than Zanmai
Alex, bdae boy n' Paul
KH with his steamboat looking dinner.
With Jon, the one who brings laughter everytime to the gang
ChengWei managed to join us this time round!
So did the lovebirds!
They finally found time to crash the party *haha*
Humble n' cheeky guy, Kim
no, he's not Korean girls.
Feel free to snatch him before or after he comes back from Aussie!
Group photo before we part ways.
Best of luck to you guys leaving to the land down under!
Hope our paths would crossed once again!
Credits to Andrew Kong for the camera n' the memories snapped!
Would be graduating in my next semester if I wasn't enrolled in engineering
Well results were out yesterday n' I suppose I should be satisfied with it
I will not reveal in such public places, maybe try asking personally?
Anyway, the following took place right after the exams ended
Guess where we had our lunch?

Denzel Washington was awesome
so is Shaun n' myself *lol*

looks like it was in my possession most of the time

In 3 months time, everything would change for better or worse
My gang would shrink in terms of quantity and noise xD
Not all were able to make it though,
So we arranged another meetup before they leave for Aussie
Celebrated Kai Zen's 20th as well at none other than Zanmai

They finally found time to crash the party *haha*

no, he's not Korean girls.
Feel free to snatch him before or after he comes back from Aussie!

Best of luck to you guys leaving to the land down under!
Hope our paths would crossed once again!
Credits to Andrew Kong for the camera n' the memories snapped!
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