Merdeka O.o
11:45 PM
Having purchase deals from groupon
we decided to cash it in during merdeka eve
where it would be one of the more happening nights
Having dinner at Ben's @ Pavillion

Manage to know new people - Joyce n' Hilary!

Lovey Dovey

A Slice of Heaven
As good as Secret Recipe, if not better ♥
We head on over to G Tower to redeem our vouchers =P


Couple #1
Dr. Funky just funked up my day D:

Boon Hoe, me n' Kim Hock!

When Terry n' Chengwei decided to join in

The guys

n' them girls

Chengwei with Joyce

Camwhores at large

Awesome night! XD

Couple #2

With Jee Ying, fellow Ipoh kaki

n' introducing Terry, her boyfriend =P

Still sober I think

Nice decor, don't ya think :D

What ya looking at? *lol*

Us again

I should be a bit tipsy by this picture >.<
Credits to Jee Ying for the fun night n'
the pictures!
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