Peace v(^_^)v
1:13 AM
An annual event organized by Lions Club
It was also a collaboration with us Leos to bond with each other
Peace Poster was for kids aged above 12 whilst
we were left to supervise the lil kids of 5-10 years for the colouring contest

Registration done by the treasurer n' secretary of this fiscal year

Most of them came well prepared...
Wondered if they join every year?

The venue for this year's Peace Poster was at SS2 Mall
Due to the low popularity of the shopping complex, participation was pretty low

Managed to find someone of the same interest perhaps?

I doubt I can produce the same material though I'm twice their age -.-

Damn adorable sisters >.<

The winners for age 5-7

Age 8-10 category
Seems like I'm the official banner holder as of late!

The 10 other members who were free enough to 'layan' the OC n' her event

Hard at work?
More like busy camwhoring =p

This was the hardest decision by far
Overflow of creativity by each participant

Coming to a conclusion,
the top three winners of Peace Poster
The winner would be competing on the international level!

A group picture with fellow Lions of PJ Mutiara =)

Waiting for lunch
Job well done by OC n' the supporting members
Kudos to Shameema for the pictures as well!
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