Mission Camwhore!
6:52 PM
It all started in the comp lab when we were bored
Once upon a time, both Kylie n' myself had this idea
In fact, I would say its a brilliant idea since it came from the both of us XD
And so, it begins "Mission Camwhore"
Matching colours =)
Hyun Bin likes to wear his jacket as such
Ding Xian who was halfway working in the library,
got pulled in for a snapshot
There's a twist to the mission too!
We're restricted from wearing the same outfit for the rest of the mission
Late night supper whilst finishing our final year thesis

A 24 hour marathon to complete our thesis
Both the girls were there for mental support
Arigato gozaimasu!
Yes, I'm aware of my messy hair
I wonder what's so interesting on the computer screen?
Who takes pictures at back alleys near Sunway College? =.=
Without fear or favour LOL
Preparation for final examinations
Be aware of your surroundings!
Korean wannabe sisters, Joan n' Jill
Kim "Superman" Hock!
Hate to break Jie Shu's concentration but camwhore's important XD
Founders of Mission Camwhore!
Boon decided to jio us for supper at Darussalam
Hooinee Ang =)
The day when we decided to eat fried chicken
Guess where are we headed to?
Pretty obvious where we're having our dinner right?
Woo n' Kong
Finger lickin' good
A can of free redbull on Zhi Wyai's birthday!
I'm gonna have to charge you for copyright infringements XD
Miss rabbit aka Wai Xing
I spelled it wrong on purpose. la la laaaa
Ge Wei, now rotting in Johor >_<
Wonder if you'll stumble upon this post?
Boon looks like he got a haircut
Fat one lok lok in SS15
Qian Ru, you're doing the signature pose wrong! =.=
Purple colour ^_^ I wonder if my braces were purple too?
This was captured in the car, thus the blur outcome
Westlife, stealing my cap away... again *lol*
Forcing me to show my un-waxed hair
They don't call me the friendly neighbourhood tagger for nothing!
Acting like a retard
I think I've succeeded, no doubt
I look good right? RIGHT???
Going for a cousin's wedding
Another ang pow next year! woohooooo
I scream for ice cream =P
Will you ♥ me? hahaha
I'm just too cute *bluek*
Forever Red!!!
I'm God of Tetris!
Challenge me if you think otherwise =P
Paul the birthday boi boi!
Came to LV just because we forgotten to camwhore that day O.o
A special thanks to Kim, the notorious Kancil driver
A reflection of us after a game of paper football XD
Decided to try something new
Time to destress again >_<
I believe I can fly...
I believe I can touch the sky!
Make yourself at home
I'm doing just that =3
Mickey mouse for the win!
Studying for AI n' guess what? I scored 89 =P
I ♥ wearing formal shirts =)
Makes me look much better!
A tribute to Minnie Mouse!
Karaoke with Leo Club V2.0! ♥
A picture a day, keeps the boredom away!!!
♥ Credits to Kylie, Hooinee n' Wai XinG for the pictures ♥
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