Setiu Wetlands (1)
1:20 PM
First part of the 3 days Leo Club trip to Terengganu!
Collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund n' PEWANIS
The perfect getaway after a semester of hard work especially when it's my last sem!
An exposure to the culture n' traditional lifestyle of the locals
Journey to Terengganu at a little past midnight
Nocturnal girls busy camwhoring at night
Rest stop - time to pee!!!
Looks ancient, well that's just the effect though
Breathtaking scenery ♥
White Beach, hope there wasn't a spelling error XD
Our first meal as soon as we arrived *yum*
Perhaps they think they have nicer feet than face =P
1 through 7 jump shots
Getting away from the hustle n' bustle of the city
Our mission to gather the lost members
Pick your favourite ♥ balloon
Unfortunately for me, the gamemasters have already chosen the biggest, ugliest balloons =(
Someone acting cute in front of the camera =P
Taking a break after the balloon war
Still busy camwhoring, I see?
Crazy 1 to 10 pose =.= take 1
Michelle n' Farzhana laughing at their stupid act
but... their turn comes soon >_<
They had one of this back in Lembing!
Our wait for lunch has finally ended
Whilst waiting for the next part of the itinerary
Remember I played this back in high school
From normal balloon to water balloon war!
Planning a strategy in respective groups
Our props revolves around balloons
Half human half monster?
Reaching for the stars except there isn't any at this time of the day XD
Take notice of the funny faces in the sand
The best had yet to come =P
What's beaches without dipping into the sea?
Ge Wei's missing
Unofficial water polo team of Monash =P
Whose the father?
Gosh this defies the law of biology
Miss Westlife
This girl changed so much for the better from the first semester I met her >_<
Mae, the only dry one
Human Pyramid version 2*
Mickey Mouse is gonna catch a cold soon
Turtle Hatchery
Generally male n' female turtles hatch at different locations
Male with shaded location whilst female without.
Completing our mission! =)
Our infamous gold haired treasurer
Mr Papa-paparazzi
Forced to grin by QR
Deep in thoughts n' discussion
First row L to R - monitor, form teacher n' prefect
2 ke le feh's behind
Candid classroom photo
Happy-go-lucky me
Watching fireflies is our night activity
Onwards to our firefly destination
Nightview of Penarik Inn Since 1992
Consolation prize for not being able to see turtles laying eggs
Baby turtles!!!
Midnight story telling time, you know what I mean =P
To be continued...
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